Thursday, January 12, 2017

A Resource List For Bloggers

If you're a blogger, you'll know just how much goes into the every day processes of running a blog. There's the ideas, writing, photography, graphic design, editing, web development, social media, marketing, networking and sometimes even store-operations! So much to do! And so many non-bloggers think it's easy.............

I can only imagine how great it would have been to find a big resource list like this back when I started blogging. There are tonnes of incredible websites out there just sitting around waiting for you to utilise, to make the whole process of blogging, designing and creating so much more easy and efficient. So here I have for you 50 Fab Resources for Bloggers!

I've been searching around for a while now, adding to this list as well as finding the best things inside some of these websites, so you can really make the most of them. Hope it helps you out!

Go Daddy
GOOD FOR: Buying domains
PRICE: Around $13 AUD per year

THOUGHTS: I can't believe I've been using this website for almost 10 years now. If anyone asks me where they should buy their domain name from, I recommend GoDaddy, every single time. I find them to be so affordable and easy to use. Their customer service is top quality as well. There have been a couple of occasions during the past few years where I've needed their help and when calling them up, I barely have to be put on hold before being able to speak with someone. They have 24/7 support, they're friendly, ready to help and know exactly what they're doing.
I currently own 8 domains, and manage 1 email account and 1 website for someone with them and everything runs smoothly.

GOOD FOR: Wordpress blog hosting
PRICE: They have a special offer of $3.49 per month for the first term

THOUGHTS: I personally haven't used Bluehost, as I don't have any Wordpress blogs. But I've heard A LOT of good things from those who do use Wordpress. It appears to be one of the most (if not THE most) affordable options you'll find for blog hosting. It's highly recommended for anyone just starting out with their blog on the self-hosted version of Wordpress ( You want to be paying as little as possible for your blog until you're actually generating income, and by that point, you can upgrade to a bigger web hosting service.

GOOD FOR: Landing page
PRICE: Basic plan is $29 per month when paid annually.

THOUGHTS: I currently use Instapage for my eBook sales page ( and I LOVED how easy it was to put together. Took so much stress away from the whole eBook creation process. When you create an account with Instapage, it has an easy to use drag-and-drop builder for your one-page website design. You can easily add text, photos, link buttons and videos. It also creates a mobile-responsive version of your website design at the same time (highly necessary!) You could literally put a page together in 15 minutes, link it up to a domain name you've purchased elsewhere and you're good to go!

GOOD FOR: Running an online course
PRICE: There is a very basic free plan, next up is $39 per month

THOUGHTS: If you've ever wanted to teach a subject and have the ability to drive traffic to your course, this is a great platform to run it with. Teachable enables you to run your 'online school' with a website builder to create it and an easy-to-edit online course system. You can allow students to enter your course for free, or you can have them pay and Teachable will take a small percentage from each sale.

Creative Market
GOOD FOR: Fonts, templates, design tools
PRICE: Prices vary per product

THOUGHTS: I feel like I spend most of my money on this website! There's just so many good things to buy for the creation of your blog and the graphics to go with it. Creative Market is where I found one of my favourite font creators and most recently some beautiful brush strokes which I used in one of my free wallpapers for you! You can find blog themes, stock photography, media kit templates and so much more.

I have my own shop on Creative Market if you want to visit! I'm constantly coming up with new products to add with lots of ideas in the works, so follow my store if you're interested in hearing when new things arrive.

GOOD FOR: Logo design or blog post images
PRICE: Free for basic plan, $5.99 AUD per month for access to all features

THOUGHTS: If you find Photoshop too complicated to understand and you're looking for a design program that's quick and easy to use, PicMonkey is for you. The free plan on this website will get you the very basic features - editing, touch ups and fonts. The Royal plan gives you access to more advanced tools with templates, better fonts and the ability to go back and edit your projects after you've saved them.

Adobe Photoshop
GOOD FOR: Graphic design and editing photos
PRICE: $22.99 AUD per month in the Adobe Creative Cloud

THOUGHTS: If you have the time and patience, Photoshop is so worth learning how to use! I always have it open on my computer and I use it for everything including my blog post graphics, logos, side bar graphics, photo editing and the creation of my yearly blog Media Kit. It is quite costly to subscribe to, however if you're using it on a daily basis and you are creating graphics that contribute to the success of your blog, then it's worth every dollar.

PRICE: Some free, some require donation, some cost varies

THOUGHTS: If you're just starting to play around with new fonts, this is a great site to download them for free. You can find lots of fonts that are free for personal use, meaning you can use them in projects that aren't to be sold. There are also Demo fonts which enable you to download them for free, test them out and then if you want to use them in a personal or commercial project, you can purchase the font. Just check beside each font what it says in regards to how you can use it, or read through the little document that comes in each download folder.

GOOD FOR: Creating blog graphics

THOUGHTS: Just like PicMonkey, Canva takes the stress out of trying to learn Photoshop. If you want a program where you can create pinnable blog post graphics, social media graphics and anything else where images and text are combined, Canva is super easy to use. They even have great templates to use if you're stuck on where to begin.

GOOD FOR: Editing and creating graphics

THOUGHTS: I was so happy when I found this website, as it's so similar to Photoshop! I know a lot of people can't afford to purchase Photoshop or pay the subscription fee, so this is such a good alternative and it's free to use. You can create a new document at any size you like, add text, add layers and lots more.

GOOD FOR: Growing your Pinterest
PRICE: Free trial, then starts at 500 pins for $5

THOUGHTS: My favourite social media platform right now is Pinterest. I have two accounts, one for Flip And Style and one for Blog Pixie. I tend to add to the Flip And Style one a whole lot more as it's packed with inspiration for every day life. I recently signed up to BoardBooster with the free trial to see if I could grow my followers on my Flip And Style account and woah. It started increasing way more by the day.

The way it works is you select which boards you'd like to focus on, you add them to the scheduler page on BoardBooster and they will add Secret Boards (which only you can see) to your Pinterest profile. When you add images to those Secret Boards on Pinterest, BoardBooster will work across the time frame you've selected to push those pins into your real Pinterest boards. Who needs to sit on Pinterest all day when you've got a virtual assistant to do it for you!

GOOD FOR: Scheduling social media posts
PRICE: Free for basic plan, $10 to include Pinterest

THOUGHTS: This social media scheduler is best for those who love Facebook and Twitter. I personally like to manually post in real time for both of those platforms, so I don't make use of Buffer. However, if you're really trying to get your posts on both FB and Twitter seen at different time zones, this is great platform to keep on top of it all in the one place. It does include Instagram but unfortunately can only send you reminders for it, rather than push posts in full to the platform.

Get Emoji
GOOD FOR: Copy and paste Emojis

THOUGHTS: Whenever I'm posting to Twitter or Facebook I love to use Emojis. They add a touch of personality and interest to whatever you have to say, and are just fun in general. This site has every possible emoji you can scroll through. If you're at your computer and want to add something to a social media platform that doesn't have the option to select an Emoji, you can simply copy and paste one in from this site.

GOOD FOR: Selling eBooks!
PRICE: $15 a month for standard package

THOUGHTS: This is the platform I use to sell the Blog Pretty eBook and I really have only good things to say about it! It was easy to set up my product to sell, to grab the selling button URL for the button on my sales page, to track sales and to run my Affiliate program. I haven't had an ounce of trouble and I plan to stick with Sendowl for all upcoming eBooks too!

GOOD FOR: Running an online store
PRICE: $29 per month for the basic plan

THOUGHTS: Shopify is one of the most successful e-commerce platforms online. They provide you with a shopfront which you can customise by choosing a theme (much like blog themes) and link up to a domain you've bought (or just use the default URL they provide to you). It's easy to add your products, track your sales and do everything required to run an online business. I have used it before, and I loved it!

GOOD FOR: Running a small online store
PRICE: Free to have a shop, $0.20 to list an item, and they take 3.5% per sale

THOUGHTS: I started an Etsy shop towards the end of last year and the process to set up took half an hour at most. It's where I sell all my Blogger templates and other things, and it didn't take long for my listings to get quite high in search results and gain visibility. This would be the perfect selling platform to use if you're crafty or great at designing downloads or digital items.

GOOD FOR: Anything money related
PRICE: Free to use, low fee per sale if using as a payment gateway for your store

THOUGHTS: I've been using Paypal since I was about 11? Not only do I purchase online using Paypal, I receive blog payments, send invoices and I also use it as the payment gateway for my eBook sales. It's a great business tool to manage your finances as you're able to keep track of income and expenses for your blog.

GOOD FOR: Running a blog shop
PRICE: Varies

THOUGHTS: If you want to run a professional shop within your blog to keep customers in your one space, this is the platform to use. It was created especially for Wordpress users, and it allows you to sell both real and digital products.

Blog Pixie Etsy Shop
GOOD FOR: Feminine Blogger Templates
PRICE: Starting at $15

THOUGHTS: I have a selection of feminine, minimalist templates for Blogger blogs. They all come with an easy-to-follow instruction manual, however if you need help, I will install it for you and create your header image for free :)

Restored 316 Designs
GOOD FOR: Feminine Wordpress Themes using the Genesis Framework
PRICE: $75 per theme

THOUGHTS: The themes on this site are beautiful, clean and would make anyone's blog look wonderful. If you use the self-hosted version of Wordpress, I highly recommend purchasing the Genesis Framework and then one of these stunning themes. 

Genesis Framework
GOOD FOR: Interactive Wordpress themes
PRICE: $59.95

THOUGHTS: You may have seen blog themes for Wordpress that say they require the Genesis Framework. Genesis is the framework or structure of your blog which allows you to build your blog on top of it. It enables you to have a Wordpress theme that is interactive and interesting, while keeping the back end of your blog up-to-date so you don't have to worry about any scary updates. Most of the Wordpress themes I've been interested in are child themes, requiring you to own the Genesis Framework as well to set it up. What's great is once you've purchased Genesis, it's yours to use with as many blogs as you like.

Pretty Darn Cute Design
GOOD FOR: Wordpress themes
PRICE: Starting at $49.99

THOUGHTS: I love the creativity of the blog themes available on this website. They're WooCommerce ready, meaning if you'd like to run a shop within your blog, you can do it with these themes.

GOOD FOR: Sending large files
PRICE: Free for Basic, $12 monthly for Plus

THOUGHTS: Don't you hate it when you go to send a document or photo to someone via email and it tells you the file size is too large? With WeTransfer you can send files up to 2GB in size (20GB with the Plus plan) for free. I used this website like crazy during the creation of my eBook, as with all the graphics included it was a big file to send. My email provider just couldn't do the job!

GOOD FOR: Making to-do lists

THOUGHTS: This app has become so helpful lately! I have it on both my computer and phone, and as I have an account it syncs my lists up to both. You can create categorised lists with points to check off, and as you check an item off the list it makes a cute "ding!" sound and disappears. I love to use this for blog post ideas, tasks and instagram post ideas.

GOOD FOR: Sending mailing list emails
PRICE: Free up to 2000 subscribers

THOUGHTS: This website is great for those who are just starting out with their blog mailing list. It's super easy to create great looking emails. You can have lists for different groups of people and select who you want to send particular emails to. You can also track who opens the email, who unsubscribes and who clicks on the links inside your email.

GOOD FOR: Gaining mailing list subscribers
PRICE: $29 per month for up to 1000 subscribers

THOUGHTS: I haven't used Convertkit yet but I'm thinking of getting it soon! If you've been onto blogs that offer something for free if you sign up to their mailing list, they're most likely using Convertkit. It's not easy to collect email addresses, so offering an incentive for signing up and having it sent off immediately to every new subscriber is a great way to draw people in.

GOOD FOR: Tracking your blog's statistics
PRICE: Free, or $5 monthly if you want to be able to track more than just the basics

THOUGHTS: I have been using Statcounter for a lonnnng time. I find it so much easier to understand than Google Analytics. Don't get me wrong, I definitely use GA. However, I like to use Statcounter as well for those times when I quickly want to check where my traffic is coming from, what they're clicking on and look at clearer graphs of my blog traffic by month and year. I sometimes feel as though GA is like a maze to get through. For Statcounter to work, you just need to create an account, add the code they provide somewhere on your blog (I put mine in a HTML widget in the footer) and it will start tracking away.

Blog Pretty
GOOD FOR: Beginner - Intermediate bloggers
PRICE: $15

THOUGHTS: This, my friends, is my very own eBook! I put my heart and soul (and lots of my time!) into this project and I couldn't be more proud of it. It's packed full of my best advice, tips and tricks for turning your blog into a beautiful business and running it in the best way possible, as well as my personal blogging story and experience along the way! I fill you in on how to improve the appearance of your blog, how to create better blog posts, how to market your blog, make money as a blogger and so much more! If you want to take your hobby blog to the next level, it's worth a read.

. . .

Do you have any great blogging resources that I haven't listed above? Let us know in the comments!

This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it! :)


  1. Oh my gosh, this post is amazing! I totally agree about having a resource list when I first started! I'm only a few months in so I am still definitely new, but it is all so overwhelming at first! I know this post will be a HUGE resource to those new to blogging!!

    1. Definitely overwhelming at first! Glad you like it! xx

  2. What an incredible list of resources - I've got about a million tabs open now after going through this one! I know on Macs you can open an emoji menu by pressing Command + Control + Space Bar but I'm not sure if there's a similar shortcut for Windows computers so the Get Emoji tool would be very useful. I've been loving your Pinterest content recently, too.

    1. Oh that's lucky with Macs.... as far as I know there's no Windows version of that? I'll have to investigate! :) And thanks, I've been obsessed with Pinterest lately xx

  3. Im so glad i found this blog! I am definitely going to use this as my main resource for information. Just a month in on the new blog. Working hard at it to make it into my dream!

    1. I'm glad you found it too!! I'll try and get more posts up to help you out :) x

  4. Believe it or not, I didn't know there's such thing as 'stock photo'. I thought bloggers must have created those by themselves. I've always adored like how much time & effort bloggers have to put on. Thank you for posting this up! Just subscribe & will definitely visit your site from time to time. have a lovely day Vanessa! x

    1. Thanks for your comment Nadia! I'm glad you know about stock photos now :) xx

  5. Thank you SO much for this! This is so helpful. xox
    I'm also only a few months into mine, and loving this community so far! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting! Hope it's going well :)

  6. Ciao quale filtri utilizzi per modificare le tue foto?

    1. I use filters on the app called ColorStory :)

  7. The best things inside some of these websites, so you can really make the most of them. Hope it helps you out!

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